

There’s a reason why UNC alumni make up more than 50 percent of all teachers trained 在科罗拉多州, and nearly one-third of Colorado teacher of the year award winners. We offer innovative, highly regarded coursework and hands-on experience, and fuse it with small classrooms and the mentorship of amazing professors.

When you major in 小学教育 at UNC, you join a program that combines rich field experiences with guidance from faculty who bring experience and research to 教室里. This is a university where you can make valuable connections in the 教学社区,学生在世界任何地方教学.

Our 小学教育 bachelor’s degree prepares you to teach in diverse classrooms for grades K-6, with opportunities for teaching licensure and endorsements that will 为成功做好准备. We’ve received national recognition for excellence in teacher education, and the results of our innovative programs speak for themselves: A four-year study reveals that more than 95 percent of UNC’s teacher education candidates were 被安排在他们的领域工作. 这就是为什么科罗拉多州指定皇冠app官方版下载为 该州主要的教师教育机构.


As an 小学教育 major at UNC, you can customize your coursework based on 你的职业兴趣. 我们提供几个学士学位选择:

B.A. 在初等教育有初步执照

Earn your license to teach grades K-6 in one of the top education programs in the state. Emphasizing real-world classroom experience to better prepare students for teaching, the 小学教育 program at UNC includes 900 hours of field experience—which 比科罗拉多州的要求高100小时吗. 兼职教师——通常是退休教师 and administrators—supervise teacher candidates in practicum settings, offering a level of personal involvement and mentorship rarely found at other colleges or universities. In addition to gaining teacher licensure, this bachelor’s degree program also enables you to earn CDE endorsement with no extra credit hours required. 我们的学生 a proven record of success: 93 percent of EDEL students pass the teacher licensure 他们第一次参加考试.


Interested in gaining specialized training and experience in urban school districts? Earn your bachelor’s degree and elementary teaching license in our 城市教育项目中心. Combining an elementary teaching and liberal arts degree with a concentration in English as a Second Language, this teaching program is designed to prepare you for 与不同的学生一起工作. 该项目在丹佛进行,设有付费教室 apprenticeship model that allows you to start earning and working in metro-area classrooms 马上. Classes covering how to teach each subject area are offered from the very start—not reserved until the junior and senior years as in most teacher prep programs. Program graduates are also eligible for the English as a Second Language (ESL) licensure/endorsement.


B.A. 在基础教育与文科集中

The 小学教育 bachelor’s degree with a liberal arts emphasis covers the content taught in the elementary classroom, including language arts, mathematics, 科学、社会研究和历史. 你可以选择这个重点,如果你想获得 a 文学学士 degree without teacher licensure and do not plan to teach immediately. In the liberal arts concentration, you’ll gain valuable teaching and critical-thinking 技能,你可以应用到广泛的职业. 在皇冠app官方版下载,你也有爱心,知识渊博, professional advisors by your side who will help keep you on track to complete the 四年制学士学位课程.

B.A. in 小学教育: Teacher Licensure Performing Visual Arts Concentration

The 小学教育 bachelor’s degree with a Teacher Licensure Performing Visual Arts emphasis prepares you for a career in elementary education with basic art skills, concepts and purposes needed to provide arts focused instruction in 教室里. The Performing Visual Arts emphasis enhances job-preparedness for teaching in schools and community programs that value the arts as a part of educational development and aligns with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which includes the arts and music 在“全面教育”的定义中.”




Gain valuable preparation for teaching students with a variety of special needs with 辅修特殊教育. 专为任何专业或教师执照设计 program, the 特殊教育 minor requires 18 credits to complete.



皇冠app官方版下载的基础教育辅修课程需要18个学分. 你需要五个 courses (Emergent Literacy, Pre-K through Grade 3; Social Foundations of Education; Exceptional Student in the Elementary Classroom; Technology in Education for Elementary Teaching; and Educational Psychology for Elementary Teachers). 完成剩下的部分 required hours, you’ll choose from any 300 or 400 ED prefix courses.



K-12(美术、音乐、 体育课。 and 特殊教育)


好老师总是很抢手. 拥有基础教育学士学位 from UNC, you’ll have the strongest possible preparation for 教室里.

想想皇冠app官方版下载的B.A. 如果你是:

  • 喜欢和K-6年级的孩子们一起工作的人
  • 对广泛的学术领域教学感兴趣
  • 对教学充满热情,并做出积极的改变


  • Fundamentals of English, mathematics, arts, science and social studies
  • How to effectively lead in a classroom setting through extensive field experience
  • Solid background in elementary education theory and research


  • 儿童、青少年和青年文学
  • 科学探究的原则:在混乱中寻找秩序
  • 探索科罗拉多
  • 小学科学教学
  • 教育技术在小学教学中的应用
  • Teaching English Language Learners in the 小学教育 Classroom



While most of our 小学教育 majors go on to careers in teaching, the program 提供一系列的职业选择,包括:

  • 小学教师
  • 图书管理员
  • 作家或编辑
  • 经理/主管
  • 成人识字教师
  • 项目协调人

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